29 March 2010 - P-day basketball - see if you can find your son. There's some pretty tall drinks of water out there.
April 3, 2010 - Abrn, Gary, Maal and Laurie practicing for a musical number right before the baptism. They sang "Ye Elders of Israel" in three part harmony.
Our Long Island Ward Relief Society made it possible for the Pacific Islands Extension Agency to come and teach 4 consecutive nights of cooking classes - we had no idea what great things were in store for us - cooking class #1 on April 6, 2010.
The first really yummy dinner - Marshallese pumpkin and corned beef skillet!
Nellie, our Marshallese extension agent in the colorful Fijian dress, helping us to prepare for the demonstration of Class #2
Me, Rutha, and Sister Hopoate - notice our gloved hands. Our teacher taught us "First prepare yourselves, then the food."
Cooking class #2 Bean Stew - it was great, with green beans subbing for the hard red and pinto beans.
In between cooking class #2 and 3, Sister Cummings and I went to the ER with the Bells and the Zone Leaders (Elders Dew and Wright) and Sister Santos - it is a happening place in Majuro at 11:00 at night. She then spent the night in my apartment after seeing the doctor, and by the morning we both had had a great night's sleep! Whew! We dodged that bullet...
Three sisters from cooking class #3 - Sister Ladrick, Rutha, and Sister Levigh making crab salad.
Sister Enos, our teacher Nellie, and Sister Tima - we had a great time...
Yummy crab salad from cooking class #3!
Everywhere in the Marshall Islands can be seen Dads walking with their babies - these two proudly consented to let me take their picture in front of our mission office - the 'track' I run on is in the background as well as our apartment complex and the ocean wall out there by the farthest palm trees. My neighbor's laundry can be seen drying on the railing on the second floor of my building on the left.